New or Existing Wood Floors – We’ve Got You Covered

We have over 30 years experience in installing and repairing every type of wood flooring.

amorglow floors

Choosing the Right Type of Floor

The type of floor you will need depends on many factors, one major part being the sub-floor.
No two homes are exactly alike. They are subject to diverse environmental conditions, have their unique shapes and entry points, different foundation materials, and obviously vary in sizes. For these and reasons of preference, there are options depending on sub surface, whether it be concrete slab, above grade wood, or even a combination.

The professionals at Armorglow Wood Floor Refinishing-Installation will help you choose the perfect floor for your individual conditions. Our sales staff is ready with a huge sample selection of the flooring types mentioned above and colors brought directly to your home.

Wood Flooring Installation

If the floor has anything to do with wood, it’s in our realm of expertise. We work with a wide range of wood species and techniques which include:

  • 3/4 Thick Solid Hardwood
  • Pre-finished Engineered Hardwood
  • Parquet Floor
  • Floating Wood Floors
  • Laminate Wood Floors
  • Custom Borders and Inlays

At Armorglow Wood Floor Refinishing-Installation we safeguard that we start and finish the job right. Our clients will tell you that all of our work is completed with the highest level of quality and care. That includes the foundation of your floor.

Not all sub-floors are created equal. Before we even start installing wood flooring, the sub surface must be sound.

Concrete slabs are inspected for moisture content and levelness. Above grade wood sub-floors and joist systems are inspected for termite damage, dry rot and loose or un-leveled conditions.

Keep Your Existing Wood Floor Looking Great!

If you already have an existing hardwood floor, and are doing an add-on, the skill of matching is of utmost importance for it to look continuous and uniform. Our wood floor repair technicians are unsurpassed in the art of seamless transition by color matching, as well as grain direction and weaving. If, for some reason, the color cannot be exactly matched by the natural shade of the wood, we have the capability of staining it to look exactly like the existing floor.

The repair wood flooring that we use is hand-picked to guarantee a perfect match of color and wood grain. When needed, we select from high quality stains to ensure that repairs are unnoticeable. The wood is then weaved into the existing flooring to blend in seamlessly. We are experienced in repairing older homes with nail down floors built over crawl spaces, as well as newer homes with floors glued onto concrete slabs.

What to Expect from Our Professionals

Armorglow Wood Floor Refinishing-Installation will come out to your house and give you a free consultation. Our team of experts are guaranteed to make you completely satisfied. The proof is in our reviews, as well as our referrals. Nearly 85 percent of our customers have come to us doe to the recommendation of another. Whether it’s hardwood floor refinishing, installation, or repair, we constantly excel in our trade.Give us a call today, or visit our contact page for more information.

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Armorglow Wood Floor Refinishing-Installation

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